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Tic Tac Logic is a single player puzzle that’s based on the popular two-player game “Tic Tac Toe.”
How to Play Tic Tac Logic
Tic Tac Logic is played on a grid. Each puzzle starts with some X’s and some O’x in various places on the grid. The goal is to place an X or an O in the remaining squares. The challenge is doing so while meeting all three criteria:
- there can be no more than 2 consecutive X’s or O’s in a row or column
- each row and column must contain the same number of X’s as it has O’s
- all rows and columns must be unique
Tic Tac Logic Tips & Example

It’s time to learn how to play tic tac logic with an example.
The example used will be an 8×8 puzzle. This means each row and each column will contain 4 X’s and 4 O’x.
Let’s get started!

The rules state that there cannot be more than 2 consecutive X’s or O’s in a row. That means that anywhere you already have 2 X’s or 2 O’s, there will be the opposite on either side.
In the example, there are 4 double X’s (3 in rows, 1 in columns). Let’s surround all those X’s with some O’s!

X blank X or O blank O
Anytime you have a blank in between 2 of the same (X_X or O_O), the blank must be the opposite (so XOX or OXO).
Why? Because you can’t have three of the same in a row!

Keep Checking for Doubles
Every time you put new X’s or O’s into the puzzle, you should check for fresh doubles.

Keep an Eye on Rows and Columns
Keep checking your rows and columns for ones that are almost complete.
There will be 4 X’s and 4 O’s per row/column. If you only have one blank, you’ll always know what it is.
In the example, we have one row with a blank and one column with a blank. Both have 4 X’s and 3 O’s so we’ll fill the blanks with O’s.

Got 4?
Sometimes you’ll have more than one blank in a row or column but you’ll already have 4 of a kind.
The example column has 2 blanks but is already filled with 4 X’s. We know the 2 blanks must be O’s.

Put It Together
We can use what we know together to finish this row.
There are 2 O’s in a row (in black, 5 and 6 spots), so we have to put in an X (4th spot). This leads us to having 2 X’s in a row now (3 and 4), so we’ll put in an O (spot 2). Our last spot must be an X (because we have 4 O’s already).

Unique Rows & Columns
One last thing to note is that all rows and all columns must be unique.
For example, the bottom row couldn’t use the same pattern as the middle row (both highlighted).
And that’s it. I’ll leave you with the rest of the puzzle to solve (solution at the bottom). Good luck and have fun!
Get Tic Tac Logic Puzzles
Now that you know how to play Tic Tac Logic, why not grab some free Tic Tac Logic puzzles or buy a book of Tic Tac Logic puzzles.

Happy Puzzling,

Tic Tac Logic Example (Solution)