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So you’re looking for some puzzles. You’ve come to the right place! I love suggesting puzzles and I’ve rounded up 39+ of the best puzzles for adults (4 each of 13+ different types of puzzles).
Already know what type of puzzle you’re looking for? Jump to one of the 13+ best puzzles for adults:
- Assembly / Disassembly Puzzles
- Boggle Solitaire Puzzles
- Brain Teasers
- Crossword Puzzles
- Cryptograms
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Nonogram / Picross
- Paint by Numbers
- Rubik’s
- Spot the Differences
- Sudoku Puzzles
- Trivia Puzzles
- Word & Number Searches
- More Puzzles
Don’t know what you want? Or want them all? That’s okay, too! Scroll on down and find your next puzzle!
Best Assembly/Disassembly Puzzles for Adults
Assembly puzzles are puzzles where you take a bunch of pieces and put them together. Disassembly puzzles are the opposite: you take one thing and break it down into individual pieces.
Jigsaw puzzles and Lego Projects are popular assembly puzzles. Popular disassembly puzzles include Nail puzzles and Japanese Puzzle Boxes.
Check out four of the best assembly and disassembly puzzles for adults:
Interested in assembly / disassembly puzzles? Check out the history of assembly puzzles.
Best Boggle Solitaire Puzzles for Adults
Boggle Solitaire (aka Word Grid Puzzles) are a solo version of the Boggle board game. You get a grid of letters and need to find as many words as you can.
Check out four of the best Boggle Solitaire puzzles for adults:
Interested in boggle solitaire? Check out the rules of boggle.
Best Brain Teaser Puzzles for Adults
Brain Teasers are a thinking puzzle (aka a logic puzzle). You don’t typically need pen or paper to complete them. Some common brain teasers include syllogisms, riddles, and more.
Check out four of the best brain teaser puzzles for adults:
Interested in brain teasers? Check out this guide to solving brain teasers.
Best Crossword Puzzles for Adults
A crossword puzzle will have a grid that needs to be filled out and a list of words or hints. The provided list can be the exact words (or numbers) that need to go in, or it can be hints (such as trivia) or puzzles (such as riddles).
Check out four of the best crossword puzzles for adults:
Interested in crossword puzzles? Learn about six different types of crosswords.
Best Cryptogram Puzzles for Adults
A cryptogram is a coded puzzle. A phrase is given where each letter is represented by a different letter, symbol, or number.
Check out four of the best cryptogram puzzles for adults:
Interested in cryptograms? Learn how to solve cryptograms or grab yourself some free cryptogram puzzles.
Best Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults
A jigsaw is a very popular type of Assembly puzzle. It’s an image that’s been cut up into pieces and needs put back together. Jigsaws come in a variety of sizes and styles so there’s something for everyone.
Check out four of the best jigsaw puzzles for adults:
Interested in jigsaws? Check out these tips & tricks for solving jigsaw puzzles.
Best Nonogram / Picross Puzzles for Adults
A nonogram is a puzzle where you make a picture. There’s a grid with numbers representing which boxes get filled in.
Check out four of the best Nonogram puzzles for adults:
Interested in nanograms? Check out how to solve a picross puzzle.
Best Paint (or Color) by Numbers for Adults
Is this really a puzzle? No but it offers a similar feeling of satisfaction. You fill in the picture with the color as directed by the number.
Check out four of the best color and paint by numbers for adults:
Interested in paint by numbers? Check out the paint by numbers guide for beginners.
Best Rubik’s Puzzles for Adults
The Rubik’s Cube involves rotating a cube until all sides are the same color. There are tons of variations in sizes and shapes available.
Check out four of the best Rubik’s puzzles for adults:
Interested in rubik’s? Check out the types of Rubik’s Cubes.
Best Spot the Differences for Adults
Spot the Difference is puzzle-like but not quite a puzzle. You’re given two images and must find all the differences between them.
Check out four of the best spot the difference puzzles for adults:
Best Sudoku & Variation Puzzle Books for Adults
Sudoku is a logic puzzle. A traditional Sudoku game is played on a 9×9 grid. 1 through 9 is placed (once) in each column, row, and square.
There are countless variations of sudoku available to play including Calcudoku, Kakuro, Killer Sudoku, and more.
Check out four of the best sudoku and variation puzzles for adults:
Interested in sudoku? Learn how to play sudoku or grab yourself some free sudoku puzzles!
Best Trivia Puzzles for Adults
Trivia puzzles involve knowledge about a topic or subject. They can be focused or general.
Check out four of the best trivia puzzles for adults:
Best Word / Number Search Puzzles for Adults
A search puzzle involves a grid filled with letters or numbers and a list of words or numbers to find in it.
Check out four of the best search puzzles for adults:
Interested in word searches? Check out the word search guide.
More of the Best Puzzles for Adults
There are tons more puzzle types out there that adults can enjoy. Check out some of these puzzles:
Get Yourself a Puzzle!
What are you waiting for? Check out the best puzzles for adults as recommended above. Did I miss your favorite puzzle? Share it in the comments below!
Happy Puzzling,